Design and Installation ![]() Crystal Cap Cleaner - "The One That Works ..."
Crystal Cap Cleaner is a simple compact design made from a stainless steel vessel, stainless steel impeller and other paint booth friendly materials. Easy installation requires only an air supply and fluid supply of 100 PSI or 5 bar pressure and the control would be direct from the robot PLC unit sending 3 signals to control valves. The unit has a floating seal on top that will accommodate any inaccuracies from the robot. The unit is mounted on a sprung base that again will protect from any damage from a crashing robot. The drainage system can separate air from fluid and the fluid is recaptured by hard pipe into the plant recovery system. In plants without a solvent recovery system the cleaner can be mounted on a pail stand.
TRY IT OUT - 45 DAY FREE TRIAL Crystal Cap Cleaners provides DEMONSTRATION units to customers who wish to test the technology in line. This program is designed to allow the customer a 45-day free trial of our unit with support service for a complete evaluation. Contact us now to start your 45 day free trial: REQUEST OUR INFORMATION PACKAGE If you would like to learn more about the Crystal Cap Cleaning System simply send us your contact information and we will ship out to you our full Information Package. |
A clean dry applicator is a must for complete success when robotic panting and Crystal Cap Cleaners is a world-wide choice for most major auto plants.
Patented Cleaning Action Blasting the contamination from pulsing and constantly changing directions is key the the success of the Crystal Cap Cleaner.
Built-in Drying Action An initial drying action followed by a wiping down witha second action insures a dry atomizer when using the Crystal Cap Cleaner.
Self-Cleaning The Crystal Cap Cleaner is designed to self clean within the cleaning and colour change cycle time.
Design And Installation The compact design of the Crystal Cap Cleaner is easily mounted in the paint booth with only an air and fluif supply required.
Savings The Crystal Cap Cleaner uses less fluid, shortens cycle times, has minimal maintenance and and is the "cleaner of choice" for all major automotive manufacturers.
Financing Try the Crystal Cap Cleaner on a 45 day free trial and you will quickly discover how quickly you recoup your investment.
Crystal Cap Cleaner Pricing The Crystal Cap Cleaner is priced in the middle of its competitors, but pays for itself in multiple ways.
Crystal Cap Cleaners Saves You Time And Money The Crystal Cap Cleaner has the lowest cost of operation of all automated solvent paint cleaning systems.
Crystal Cap Cleaners © 2023 Website Developed by RB Productions |